

namespace RDB\Test;

class GettingStarted extends \Taeluf\Tester {

    public function prepare(){
        // \RDB::setup('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=mydatabase', 'user', 'password' );
        //empty our recipe table at start of each test

    public function testWriteSomething(){
        \RDB::insert('recipe', ['name'=>'Tofu Scramble']);// <- convenience method in RDB
        \RDB::insert('recipe', ['name'=>'Vege Stirfry']); 
        $loMein = \RDB::insert('recipe', ['name'=>'Lo Mein']);//also returns a bean
        $loMein->description = "A non-authentic Chinese noodle dish";
        // \RDB::store($loMein); // <- The redbean way
        $loMein->save();   // <- Convenience method in RDB
        \RDB::update('recipe', ['id'=>$loMein->id,'name'=>'Veggie Lo Mein']); //<-- Convenience method in RDB. Updates based on the id
        \RDB::update('recipe', ['name'=>'Veggie Stirfry'], ['name'=>'Vege Stirfry']); //<-- 2nd array is used as WHERE params for the update 
        $list = \RDB::select('recipe', ['name'=>'Veggie Lo Mein']);
        $loadedLoMein = $list[0];

        $list2 = \RDB::select('recipe', ['name'=>'Veggie Stirfry']);
        $loadedStirfry = $list2[0];
        $this->compare($loadedLoMein->id, $loMein->id);
        $this->compare($loadedLoMein->description, $loMein->description);
        $this->compare($loadedStirfry->name, 'Veggie Stirfry');

    public function testModel(){
        \RDB::insert('recipe', ['name'=>'Tofu Scramble']);// <- convenience method in RDB

        $tofu  = \RDB::select('recipe', ['name'=>'Tofu Scramble'])[0];
        $slug = $tofu->slug; // <- not stored in db
        $url = '/recipe/'.$slug.'/';
        $this->compare('tofu-scramble', $slug);